The Word of God increased and multiplied
Acts 12:24
In 2018, God gave our leadership a vision to multiply the message of Jesus digitally, plant one new church a year, invest in the next generation, and serve our cities. When the pandemic hit, Mariners went into action and saw this vision multiply in ways we never imagined.
For regular updates on progress, visit our updates page here.
A Message From
Pastor Eric
Dear Mariners,
God is always working to care for His people and advance His Kingdom. In the last few years, we have seen God work through Mariners Church in some beautiful and tangible ways. And through your prayers and generosity, you have been part of all God has done in the lives of people He deeply loves.
- We are serving people physically and digitally. Our core offerings are now all offered online as well as in person. This has allowed us to serve those who call Mariners home and reach those who are searching for Jesus wherever they are.
- We launched five new Mariners congregations: Santa Ana, Tustin, Mission Viejo, North Irvine, and Oceanside. These congregations are providing new, significant opportunities for people to follow Jesus, serve one another, grow together, and change the world.
- We are multiplying our local and global outreach efforts to the underserved and marginalized through the expansion of Mariners Lighthouse Community Centers connected to our new Mariners congregations, and our deepened, ongoing work with our global partners.
- We have expanded opportunities for people to connect in the community and grow deeper in their faith. I know there are many stories of people in pain finding hope through the Mariners community.
Thank you for partnering with us to serve people and advance the gospel. I love our church so much and can’t wait to see where the Lord will take us next.
In Christ,
Eric Geiger, Senior Pastor
As followers of Jesus, we are part of a beautiful heritage of multiplication. The early Christians spread the Word and served their communities generously, and as they did so, the watching world was impacted, and the faith multiplied
(Acts 2-6).
Seeking to follow the example of the early Christians, Mariners has remained committed
to joining God where He is already at work, multiplying and amplifying the good news of Jesus around the world.
In 2018, God gave our leadership a vision to multiply the message of Jesus digitally, plant one new church a year, invest in the next generation, and serve our cities. When the pandemic hit, Mariners went into action and saw this vision multiply in ways we never imagined.

Online viewership will grow to exceed 1.3M this year -
Mariners Online now has participants from 3,100 U.S. cities, all 50 states, and 130 countries -
5 new congregations launched in Southern California in 2.5 years -
The Irvine campus is at capacity 5/7 nights per week -
The Irvine campus serves 3,900 people meeting in groups every week -
Opportunity to reach 1/3 of the world’s 6,000 unreached people groups

Our Goals For The MULTIPLY Campaign
- Multiply the Word Digitally
- Multiply the Church throughout Southern California
- Multiply disciples through additional venues for worship and biblical community
- Multiply the Gospel throughout the World

Your prayers and participation in Multiply are what allow Mariners to move forward with this God-sized dream. A vision of this magnitude requires faith and faithfulness. We invite you to be a part of this incredible journey, believing that God will multiply His work in the world as He multiplies our belief in Him.
Pray that the Word would multiply across digital channels.
Pray that the ministries of Mariners make the most of every opportunity and digital channels to share the love of Jesus, the hope of the Church, and the truth of God’s Word with the world.
Pray that the Word would multiply throughout Southern California.
The opportunity to share the Gospel is all around us! Pray that we can develop key relationships in the cities where our congregations are planted that will allow us to serve these communities well.
Pray that disciples would be multiplied through worship and community.
As people’s desire to worship and grow together becomes more prevalent, pray that Mariners would be ready to welcome and receive them, connecting them to God and to a community of believers.
Pray for the people of the world to receive the good news of Jesus Christ.
Ask the Lord for revival in our country of focus. Pray for protection over the leaders and pastors risking their lives to share the hope they’ve received from God, and for the hearts of the people to be receptive to His grace.
Pray the Lord would speak to you as you consider your part in the MULTIPLY CAMPAIGN
Give To The Multiply Campaign
Join us in this Kingdom work! The Bible tells us that generosity is not about equal gifts, but equal sacrifice; giving faithfully what the Lord puts on your heart. Ask God to show you what He would have you contribute to multiplying God’s work through Mariners.
Have Questions about the Multiply Campaign?
Get in touch with our team by filling out the form below.